Rejuran Healer helps the skin in various ways. This product has shown to improve skin elasticity, tone, and turgidity. Health and beauty can be maintained by using this product. Rejuran Healer is manufactured by PharmaResearch Products Co., Ltd., a Korean pharmaceutical company. Rejuran Healer is formulated with polynucleotide, a biopolymer. This ingredient has been shown to be biocompatible. Structurally, polynucleotides consist of several nucleotides that are bonded. The polynucleotides in Rejuran Healer contain deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) extract derived from salmon reproductive cells. Polydeoxyribonucleotide is the actual material extracted from the reproductive cells. This material is then optimized by Deoxyribonucleic acid Optimizing Technology (DOT).